07 Jan 2024
New Features
- Routes for Facts by oldest creation date
- Routes for Facts by newest creation date
- Routes now return much smaller set of object attributes to reduce load times
- Route created to fetch Groups
- Landing page now using dynamic data from the API for the oldest/newest created facts
- Count of Facts by provider is now dynamic
- Facts dataset is now loaded on sign in rather than when going to the Facts page
- Facts view refactored so that additional details are only fetched once the row expander is used. This means each click produces a spinner, but it cuts initial JSON load by 70% and initial render time from 4 to 1.6 seconds.
- Facts table can now be exported as CSV from the Facts view. The export can only provide the data columns that the user already has access to.
- Created a Fact details view that can load a fact from the Facts table or any URL.
- Groups rending to simple table on Groups view
- Menu refactored to allow for menu items based on whether a user is logged in or not
Refactored the common library so that it exports functions and Types based on NodeJS / browser consumer. This was causing failures in builds due to NodeJS dependencies going into browser bundles.